Committee meeting 25.09.06

<< Meeting minutes
Date: 23rd November 2006


Attendees: Sue King (chair). John Webb (secretary), Laurie Baker (treasurer), Sophie Walker, Viv Stevens, Marion Kennett, John Kennett, Helen Valdes, Bernadette Vizena (committee members) and Jonathan Bangs (ex-officio).

1. Sue welcomed the members to the first meeting of the group.

2. Apologies were received from Councillor Ray Walker.

3. Each member gave a brief account of their interest in the Pleasaunce. Points raised were the need to keep the park in its present condition, issues to be addressed about the pub, the need to encourage greater use by all age groups, better communication about its attractions among the community, more events and the need to mitigate the effects of the road. These would form a programme for the future work of the group.

4. The constitution as amended was adopted and will be put to the general meeting for ratification.

5. Finance

a) the group would qualify for a start-up pot of £250 from the council to be available when a bank account was established. Laurie would report back on this at the next meeting. ACTION: LAURIE

b) it was agreed the group should invite members to pay a voluntary subscription of £2 to cover running costs, in return for which they would periodically receive a newsletter. People would be invited to make additional donations.

c) in a discussion about the need to use funds to best effect and the obligation of the council to help out, it was agreed that for future committee meetings, we would explore possible free usage of Outside In (ACTION: SOPHIE) or upstairs in the Tudor Barn (ACTION: JOHN W). For meetings that it was decided to use the Progress Hall e.g. general meetings, it was agreed we should write to the council to get their agreement to pay (ACTION: JOHN W to write to council).

d) Fundraising: It was agreed to defer a substantive discussion to a later meeting. John invited comments on calendar which the interim group had initiated. It was hoped this might make some profit, priced at £2.50 each or £6.50 for 3; the unit printing cost was £1.92; local shops would be approached, along with the Tudor Barn, it would be displayed in noticeboards and possibly at Christmas events of other organisations. It was agreed to insert a slip in each calendar inviting membership. JW said the calendar referred to a web site which was being set up in conjunction with Computing Solutions, which for the first year would be run for free with the help of a volunteer. JW to check on the cost of posting overseas.

6 Job allocations: It was agreed to defer this to a future meeting owing the time constraints.

7 December event: It was agreed the event was a good one, although there was a need for a greater attendance this year, better publicity and more attractions. Jonathan ran through its history and his plans for this year. The event would be on Friday, December 8, starting at 6.30pm in Moat Island followed by an indoor event at 7.30pm. The outdoor event would comprise singing, Father Xmas and ‘winter wishes tree dressing’; the indoor section in the Tudor Barn (max. attendance 150) would have morris dancing, Irish dancing, Eltham Choral and the Greenwich Youth Band and folk music. Members were invited to suggest further attractions. Jonathan would approach the stage school in Passey Place and JW would speak to the Bob Hope theatre group. Sophie said she thought some of the Outside In young people would be keen to have a role. There was a management committee events group on Friday 29th which JW said he would attend on behalf of the Friends.

8. Sue said she envisaged at first there would be a need for monthly meetings of the committee but this might reduce to every two months as routines became established. It was agreed that there was a need to co-opt on to the committee further members e.g. bowls and Tudor Barn to reflect the range of interests involved.

9. It was agreed the committee should have a group ‘site visit’ to look at he various features of the Pleasaunce together and talk with staff. A date would be set for the spring.

10. It was agreed to combine the next committee meeting with the general meeting required to ratify the constitution. All those who had expressed an interest to date would be invited.

11. AOB. Jonathan said he was completing a tree survey of the Pleasaunce. John W said he had been talking to the RSPB about organising a Big Garden Birdwatch event in January.

12. It was agreed the next meeting would be on Monday October 30 at 7.30pm at the Progress Hall
<< Meeting minutes