MONDAY JANUARY 7 at 7.30pm, PROGRESS HALL In attendance: Sue King (chairman), John Webb, (secretary), Laurie Baker (treasurer), Jason Green, Viv Stevens, Paul Higgs Diane Broughton, Jane Webb, John and Marion Kennett. By invitation: Lorraine McLaughlin 1. Apologies: Phyllis Duignan 2. Minutes/Matters Arising a) Tudor Barn chef has been laid off; John to make inquiries. b) Christmas event was a qualified success; the Friends contribution went very well but some logistical points need addressing for next year. c) This year was the 75th anniversary of the opening of the Pleasaunce as a park; the management committee should consider how it might be marked. d) The ivy had now been removed from Moat Island side of the Tudor Barn. e) The Christmas tree in Shield Garden had been a success. 3. Finance report. Laurie reported that there was £3,880 in the bank. Of the Breathing Places grant, there was £1,368 left and from the Co-op grant £1,136. Calendar sales had raised £540 profits. Outstanding bills were for the meeting room at the Progress Hall, £27.50 for two meetings. £60 owed from the calendar printers for the promised discount. From the Breathing Places award scheme, there were bills for lilies for the wildlife pond, possibly around £200 and for the interpretive board, estimated at £700. Consideration needed to be given to the renewal of subscriptions, when this was to fall due and whether to appoint a separate membership secretary to take this forward. 4. Management meeting.16.11.07 This had been poorly attended both by members and officers. During discussion, it was felt that the situation was unsatisfactory, in that certain members rarely attended, some members had little direct daily knowledge or experience of the Pleasaunce in order to make balanced judgements and attendance was insufficient to further normal business. Business had revolved around the preparations for the Christmas event; also the council intended to apply for the Green Flag again. Sue raised the question of safety where there were missing barriers on Moat Island. Lorraine raised a security issue of a gap between the Moat bridge and the hedging. 5. Events RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch: Saturday January 26. This would be for young people to observe bird life through telescopes. The events group (meeting Thursday 17 at 7.30pm to discuss) would consider children’s activities. Greenwich Community College Exhibition: This was going ahead on the weekend of March 29/30 with exhibits of cultural work upstairs in the Tudor Barn and ‘taster’ sessions in the bowls pavilion. Garden Day: Sunday May 18. The Greenwich arboriculturalist Jo Woodcock has agreed to speak. The events group would consider how the event might run. 6. Grants Barefoot memorial: The Greenwich Pride scheme had turned down the Friends’ application; other sources of funding would be needed. Breathing Places There was a significant quantity of wildflowers and whips to plant and wildflower seed to sow. It was agreed there would be a workday on Saturday, March 1, starting 10am. Future Ideas John was meeting with Groundwork to discuss a possible application for a grant to cover making a ramp from Moat Island to the woodland area, new bridges and possibly making a trickle-like stream in the existing dry bed, possibly with associated wetland planting. There was general assent at the proposal; however there was a discussion about the safety/desirability of a stream with young children present at play. John to report back following discussions. 7. Use of bowls pavilion Lorraine reported there was interest among parents for a regular group to meet in the bowls pavilion, possibly one day a week. A Christmas party had been held which had been a success and generated enthusiasm, also thrown up some logistical questions. 8. Playground John reported that, following the agreement in principle at the last meeting, he had held discussions with council officers, met with a play equipment manufacturer and sought a meeting with ward councillors. He had also sought to pursue a grant application to cover the cost. Officers had made clear their reservations. However, the question of playgrounds had risen up the political agenda and the government had given it a higher priority particularly in urban areas. He had been introduced to Lorraine who had discussed the proposal with a number of parents who lived locally. Lorraine said there was strong backing for an informal play area among parents. The type of equipment had been discussed. In discussion, there were a variety of possibilities for siting, each with merit. These needed to be explored in more detail. There were also possibilities for the play equipment to introduce children to E Nesbit, her work and associations with the Pleasaunce. In conclusion, there was continued strong enthusiasm for the project which needed to gain support among councillors and further detailed work. 9. Date of next meeting. Monday 25 February, Progress Hall, 7.30pm. Open meeting. |