HomeThe Well Hall Pleasaunce's history dates back to the 13th century. It is a haven of formal gardens, ponds and woodland. It contained a manor house at the time of Henry V111 and more recently was the home of Railway Children author E Nesbit.
The 16th century Tudor Barn has been renovated and is now open as a first rate venue for functions, an evening restaurant, traditional Sunday roasts and day-time heritage cafe. The owners can be contacted on 0845 459 2351 or info@tudorbarneltham.co.uk; their website is www.tudorbarneltham.co.uk
The Friends of Well Hall Pleasaunce liaises with the council to improve the habitats for wildlife and better facilities for visitors, and organises events.
To contact the Friends, email wellhall@hotmail.co.uk or text 07894 711765. Sign up here to support the group and subscribe to receive regular updates and news of forthcoming events
The woodland glen is one of the most beautiful parts of the Pleasaunce. As well as the many trees, it contains two features recently planned and paid for by the Friends group. These are the bog garden and the restored rockery. As well as these improvements, the Friends have created the woodland walk and wildflower meadow on the back green and the new play area.
The Tudor Barn was built in around 1525 by William Roper. For many years a public house, it is now being lovingly restored with attractive dining room, historic upper rooms and patio over-looking the Moat. It was originally an outbuilding and by the 1930 derelict. It was then converted for community use when the Pleasaunce when made into a park.
The Pleasaunce contains many beautiful trees. The walled garden contains fruit and ornamental cherries. In spring, there is much blossom, such as this Japanese crab. There are 240 trees in all, with many unusual species including elm, ginkgo, black poplar and Indian Horse Chestnut
There is plenty to see in the Pleasaunce all year round. In the winter, there are shrubs and the historic features to see including the fountains, the bee boles, medieval walls and the Moat.
 Members Newsletter Winter 17
The wisteria arch is one of the most spectacular horticultural features in the Pleasaunce. The herbaceous borders in the walled garden are colourful throughout the summer; the formal borders in the Italian garden and shield garden are planted with annuals all year round.
Last Updated: 10th-Sep-2021 18:27 |
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