Trees A - L

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Acacia dealbata

In the walled garden by the Moat wall in the rockery

Alnus incana

In the north west end of the woodland glen
Fagus sylvatica

The beech is on the western side of Moat Island. The stump remains in the south western corner of Moat Island of a huge beech cut down a few years ago when it was decided it was unsafe.

Black Mulberry
Morus nigra

There are two mulberry trees in the Pleasaunce; one black and one white. Only the black, in the woodland area behind the Tudor Barn, is bearing berries this year. They can be told apart by the shape of their leaves.

There are now pictures of 40 species in this website's TREE SECTION. Also, you can print off a TREE TRAIL
AND MAP for your next visit to the Pleasaunce.

Black poplar
The black poplar situated at the entrance to the Italian garden is the Pleasaunce's tallest tree, at around 104 feet. From measuring its girth (187 inches), it suggests it is probably between 120 and 180 years old.

Cappadocian Maple
Acer cappadocicum

To be found in the woodland glen by the Moat, towards the entrance to the walled garden

Cedar of Lebanon
Cedrus libani

At the entrance to the walled garden from the Co-op entrance. One of the oldest trees in the Pleasaunce, featuring at its full height in the 1920s pictures of E Nesbit's Well Hall House. Its twin, which was to the north, blew down in the storms of 1988.


By Kidbrooke Lane and in the walled garden

Corkscrew Hazel
Two trees in the woodland glen

The mass of golden catkins in early spring is the hallmark of the corkscrew hazel, a substantial example of which peeps over the north hedge of the bowling green. It has contorted, twisted stems and branches and is well-known for its presence in flower displays,

The Pleasaunce's only elm is found at the far end of the hedgerow between the putting green and the woodland glen. Most elms in this country were killed by Dutch Elm Disease in the 1970s and 80s; some survive, such as this one, but would succumb if allowed to grow to any height.
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Last Updated: 2nd-Jul-2007 01:10 Print
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